Professor Z
@Professor42 · 4:52

Dating: Outside Of Your "Social Class"

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Now, through the course of conversing with this person, the thought, idea or just casual conversation, money, finance has never really come up. And that is just because we just talk about so many different things sports, technology, life advice, so and so on. And we were having a conversation last night, and they were telling me about they were just telling me about things. These are negative things, but they talked about how they elaborated on their finances

Do finances and assets really matter? The casts contrasts in my own family have me conflicted. Am I intimidated? Is it normal to feel this way?



So now that there are more opportunities for women, I think it's harder for men to shift where when women do gain the education or the financial comfort, if you will, there's often not an over concern about the disparity between themselves and the man. Unless it's a situation where the man is not in a place where he's financially settled and instead he's going to be draining from her, right, as opposed to also contributing
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:16

Part 1

And if that is true, or if that's the case, I should say, what did you observe in the management, so to speak, of that relationship between your grandfather and your grandmother considering heterosexuality and the role of the man as the leader in the relationship? What did you observe? And so the reason why I ask that is because Christianity, if you didn't now, you know. Christianity is the foundation of my belief system. I am more spiritual than I am religious
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:38

Part 2

So even if she has that, you're still as the man leading and guiding the dynamic. Now, this is me as a woman sharing this information. I have a resource I can share with you that will likely way it in a more eloquently is that a word? Shit. I have my doctorate. I can make up words in a more eloquent way that would probably not probably likely influence you as a man because it is coming from one man to another man
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 3:58


I wasn't worried about whether she would be or not, but just as like as Christina mentioned, it was more so if I could accept that. Because obviously the way I grew up, the way I was raised, and it was more so, things that I saw was that the man is the provider
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:47


But really great material that I have found useful as a woman raising a male. A know he's a teenager right now. He just missed his bus. So he's about to get the lecture about responsibility and accountability and time management because I will be out of town soon because I'm facilitating this conference and what happens if he misses the bus when I'm out of town?