Professor Z
@Professor42 · 4:57

DoubleSpeak: Avoiding it

So this is the statement that they say and you're like wow, this is awesome, I'm going to get hired. So you get hired, you work there, you're eligible for vacation time and you're thinking back to the interview that you did or reading the packet that you were given. You get vacation time and you can use it at any point or anytime that you want

Language and how it's used to manipulate. Ask more questions, ask people to specify

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:26
Let me give a more personal example. I know I've shared that I am in real estate and I've been speaking with people who they do private lending and interviewing a number of people. And some of them it's really clear what the give and take is. And then some it's not as clear. And I'll hear them, they give their whole song and dance and then they'll say, how does that sound, JL?