priya ladha
@Priya001 · 3:20

It's complicated...

We had most of interest in common, like readings, going out or going to a movie even. We had a chit chat also, you know, cheat time from parents and everyone. So yeah, we did have that. But I was ready for him. But he wasn't ready for me. Maybe due to his financial crisis or whatever. But the love between us was totally pure. Never did he touch me. Never did

#s21nbpv2p16 #WelcomePrompts #TellYourStory @rocio

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:46
Hey, Priya. I think this is the essence of life, isn't it? Things which ought to be simple get complicated. And certain things which we think which we thought would have been complicated turn out to be quite simple. It's one of the mysteries of life. I don't think we have much control over it. We can't exercise much control over anything, for that matter, other than our own mind
priya ladha
@Priya001 · 0:10


Thank you so much, Edith Aishani, for the reply. Of course, I'll provide the rest of the part, and I hope you like it. And it's a real story
priya ladha
@Priya001 · 0:07


Can you please tell me how to post another story? I'm not getting the option, so it will be great if you help me
@Qyra · 3:45
Um, and whatever is not meant for you, it will never happen. So you should let go that thought and you should start accepting the fact that this is life. There are people come and go. We don't have control on lot of things in life, you know, we don't have control, you know, on the life itself. So just be kind to yourself and accept it and just move on
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:29
Hi Priya. Sorry for getting back to you, but late. You can basically post another swell by going to the talk tab. The talk tab, which is basically, you know, it will appear at the bottom of your screen. It looks like a microphone. Okay. So just press on it and then the option to speak into it will appear and that way you can, you know, post on that as well