miri valenz
@platicasconmigo · 3:40

4th Yoga Sutra of Patanjali

So the form and the name are just different versions of the same energy. Patanjali believes that behind the different forms of energy is an unchanging consciousness, spirit or self. Yoga itself is based on self reformation, self control and self adjustment. When this reformation is accomplished, we will see a new world, a harmonious and happy world. That's why we should always keep ourselves free from these wrong identifications

Vrtti sārūñpyam itaratra #philosophy #yoga #yogasutras #book #mentalwellness

Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:36
Yes. Identification is such a dangerous thing depending on how identified you are. I feel like once you understand what ego identification is, then you're able to identify and also understand that sure, you can identify as that thing because we're human beings living human lives and human experiences, but maybe you don't take that identification so seriously. Or maybe underneath that you know that you are more and you know that we're all the same at our core and all of that