Debbie Roppolo
@Pecansprings · 5:00

Life is Beautiful, Even When It’s a Rollercoaster

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And it was words no parent wants to hear. The specialist told us that my heart, my son had autism. I know it sounds cliche, but there is no other words to describe it but say, I felt like the rug had been pulled out from underneath me, and I honestly felt like I had been punched in the gut for days, weeks, months afterwards. I really doubted myself as a parent

#autism #pecansprings #behindthebookcovers

Debbie Roppolo
@Pecansprings · 4:49

#autism #behindthebookcovers #book #pecansprings

Like an infomercial host, I explain ASD what it is, symptoms, and how things in our environment might affect someone with autism. Sometimes that's followed by a sad look from the other person, and they mutter, my, my, you didn't ask for that, did you? In those circumstances? I bite my lip to keep sarcastic, almost hysterical laughter at bay. The stranger meant well. She was offering compassion, something often lacking in our society
Debbie Roppolo
@Pecansprings · 2:13

#Autism #pecansprings #behindthebookcover #book

I have discovered how to look past physical appearances and abilities and see people's determination and beauty within. Though I'm a perpetual work in progress, I have been a scholar of lowering the walls, practicing empathy, moving past emotional scars, and loving with my whole heart. And Joseph has become my biggest teacher
Debbie Roppolo
@Pecansprings · 0:16

#Autism #pecansprings #behindthebookcover #book

There is a lot of wonderful information and resources that you can find on autism. And two of the sites that jump into my mind right now is autism.org and autism speaks.org. Dot
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