P C Bala
@PCB · 3:05

What gives a high for an author !

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Actually most of the writers, most of the authors first write for themselves, okay. They tell a story to themselves. They share the different perspectives first to themselves. And when they feel the need to share this with others, they take the effort. Lot of effort, okay? Lot of effort to write and bring it to the notice of others. And a few things can excite a writer
preethy uthup
@peeli · 3:06
And as you rightly said, when people come in back and say, especially my family and friends who have seen and read the book, when they come back and give me different perspectives as what they felt, I really feel that my writing of the book was such a good idea as such. And after this book was published, I now have
P C Bala
@PCB · 0:16


Well said. Peeli. Really appreciate. And yeah, you have shared some very nice points with reference to your perspectives. Really glad. Well done