@palak_2022 · 2:46

Acts of service

Like if you are working suppose if I'm working, I'm like tired, sitting on my table looking into the laptop screen and that portion just comes in and just gives me coffee and you know what that I got and all with that cup of coffee that's going to make my day. That's literally going to make my day. And it's not just that person is going to do that for me. The same goes for him. Same goes for me
Kriti Aggarwal
@KAggarwal · 1:00
I mean, if I'm tired and the person I'm dating or the person I love gets me a coffee or, I don't know, maybe a chocolate milk. I love chocolate, by the way, or maybe simply chocolate, I would be so d*** happy. And then that person sits next to me and talks with me and what I'm working, he or she takes an interest in it, I really would be happy