Pedro Maldonado
@Oneof7billion · 4:49

Self worth

We went with friends of ours, and we all had a good time. It was a great memory. Leo loved it. If you've never been to the City Museum, I highly recommend it. Yeah, if you go to St. Louis, you got to make a day out of going to the City Museum on one day and then go visiting the Gateway Arch on another. It's so fun and so nice. There's good food over there

#selfworth #lowselfesteem #momentsofweakness

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:48
MMM. That's that is a nice moment between you and your wife of she kind of, like, extended that the same kindness that you extend to her. She extended that kindness that you couldn't extend to yourself. And that's really beautiful. And that's the kind of people that you want around. And it seems like you guys have clarity about that, which is really nice, not only about money, but about the way that you treat each other