Swell User
@oneminuteblues · 0:51

Iron Butterfly Collective

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article image placeholderUploaded by @oneminuteblues
article image placeholderUploaded by @oneminuteblues
Hello and welcome to my first swell. I really have no idea how this works. So anybody out there got any ideas? Hit me up. I'm in the entertainment music business. I've been since my late teens and working on a Facebook group. We now have over 6000 members. It's called the Iron Butterfly Collective, and I'm looking for new ways to create anything interesting and creative. That's about it. So we'll see how this first little bit goes

HoneyTone Radio Shoe

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:48
Hey, welcome to swell. It's an exciting place to be. Here you'll totally discover what works for you and just what is being called to be created through you. This is a pretty forgiving and generous community. There's so many beautiful people here who will chat with you and connect with you. I definitely encourage you to explore the different channels and the prompts if you're having a hard time coming up with something