Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 11:38

Epicurean Excellence:Chef’s Table And SpeakEasy Soirées!

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What is your philosophy as a chef? No, we're not doing that either. So I have ten questions that I will be asking all the chefs that come on deck here at the chef's table and speakeasy soirees. And here we go. Number one, if you were a dish on the menu, what would be your secret ingredient? Ooh. Number two, how would you create a unique dining experience that engages all five senses?

Indulge in Exquisite Cusine and Exclusive Networking. #BeTheBeacon #OnAcornBay #JamaicanHoneyBee

Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 0:16

If you were a dish on the menu, what would be your secret ingredient? #ChefsTable #SpeakEasy #EpicureanExcellence

Thank you for joining us here. Jack, if you were a dish on the menu, what would your secret ingredient be? That's a fun one
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Jack Carpenter
@Jaxon · 0:22


Me. I guess my secret ingredient would be a gastric. A gastric brings energy, excitement and flavor. That is one of the main reasons I enjoy cooking. Excitement, energy and flavor. Helping take care of us, put us to bed. What was weird?
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 0:18

How would you create a unique dining experience that engages all five senses? #BeTheBeacon #ChefsTable #SoeakEasy

Thank you for that, Jack. Okay, here we go. Question number two. How would you create a dining experience that engages all five senses? All five? Do you remember what they are?
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Jack Carpenter
@Jaxon · 0:23


Once you understand the marriage of food, you can bring it to all the senses. Marriage of food is basically knowing what goes together while preparing the meal. Other people have their definitions, but my definition is that marriage of food is important in order for all of the senses to be fulfilled. Letting water
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 0:25

Can you describe a dish that tells a story and evokes emotions? #CheftTable #SpeakEasy

We live on the Chesapeake Bay. We're on the eastern shore of Maryland. Storytelling, the watermelon culture, the history of the environs, is incredibly rich. Can you describe a dish that tells a story and evokes emotions? Have at it
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Jack Carpenter
@Jaxon · 0:16


You. Every dish tells a story. Talking about food and how it's prepared is often very much the story of our history and culture and how there's been cultural exchanges over time. Every dish has a narrative
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 0:51

If you were given unlimited resources, what extravagant ingredient would you incorporate into your menu?

I enjoy talking to you about these great ideas you have for the kitchen at Shoddy's. And one of the projects that you are doing for vehicles for change, Del Marva, is cheesecake for change. It. If you were given unlimited resources, what extravagant ingredient would you incorporate into your menu? And this does not go specifically to cheesecake. It could be specific to the entire conversation. Thank you
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Jack Carpenter
@Jaxon · 0:31


Unlimited resources. Well, I'd have to say what Chef would not want unlimited resources in order to create in a kitchen? It's not that I'd like the most expensive of the product. No, not that at all. It's just that I would like to have some of the finer things, like Wagyu or fogua or truffle. We all love that. I don't know one chef that doesn't love that
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 0:53

How would you blend traditional culinary techniques with modern gastronomy to create a one-of-a-kind dish?

You. I love this question because being jamaican and having this rich diet of spices and being on the eastern shore and being eating around seniors in certain circles, the dietary needs are a little bit different. And I imagine that our rest restaurants and our folks, our catering folks think about this. How would you blend traditional culinary techniques and modern gastronomy to create a one of a kind dish? Right about now you are googling. He
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Jack Carpenter
@Jaxon · 0:19


It. Creating a one of a kind dish that blends culinary techniques with modern gastromony involves careful consideration, originality and deep understanding of both cooking realms. I'll say it again, marriage of food, very important, had always been a bit of
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 1:03

If you had to choose between taste, presentation, or creativity, which one would you prioritize in your dishes?

If you had to choose between taste, presentation, or creativity, which one would you prioritize in your dishes? If you had to choose between presentation, taste, or creativity, which one would you prioritize in your dishes? What a great question
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Jack Carpenter
@Jaxon · 0:29


We all know we eat with our eyes, so presentation usually is the key. But once you delve into it and you start tasting it and you say, oh, my God, it looks good, but where's the taste? So there's no creativity if you don't have taste. So I would prioritize taste as being originally priority number one, because you can always make it look pretty, but you can't always make it taste pretty. Ha
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 1:17

How would you create a menu that surprises and challenges the guests' palates?

You. We are stranded at the beach, and I've posted a picture here, and the boats are tied up. And this is a photo that was circling the web here. And I think this may have been last year. We had very high tide at one point, and everything, all the water froze beneath our cars and our feet in our boats. So our guests are snowed in and we're hanging out somewhere. And you are the chef on deck
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Jack Carpenter
@Jaxon · 0:23


Creating a palate challenging menu for me is all about exploring unique flavor combinations. Also, trying unheard of dishes or anything that pushes the boundaries of what's commonly accepted in food. Push that limit. Try new things. People will appreciate new things
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 1:16

Can you describe a dish that would be visually stunning and provoke conversation among the diners?

You. So I'm posting some photos here, and it is to stimulate thought. It is by no means meant to sway you in any direction. So you have to be independent in your own thinking here. Can you describe a dish that would be visually stunning and provoke conversation among the diners? This is a fantastic question. Can you describe a dish that would be visually stunning and provoke conversation among the diners? What a great question
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Jack Carpenter
@Jaxon · 0:35


Okay, let's talk about fogua. Fogua is very popular and very controversial, but it's a delicacy. Its flavor is rich and buttery, unlike ordinary duck or goose liver. Yes, fogua is made up of duck and goose liver, but it is especially fattened. That's usually achieved through force feed, eating corn or liqueur, a process known as gavage. And that's the controversial part. I would love to make that for you sometime
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 2:04

How would you incorporate local and seasonal ingredients into your menu to showcase the region's flavors?

This could very well be one of my favorite questions. We have University of Maryland eastern shore, which is in Somerset County, Princess Anne, Maryland, and they are one of the Otis HBCU, and they're doing exciting work in agriculture now. They have gotten in it. They just had a huge conference on agritourism. I just heard that happened a couple of weeks ago. That was a huge success. So they're doing tremendous work
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Jack Carpenter
@Jaxon · 0:27


I usually start by looking at what's in season in my area, and then once I know what's in season, I usually start planning my menu then and there. I'm usually very creative with it and I'm never afraid of experimenting. And when possible, I'm always farm to table. By incorporating seasonal food, I can create some delicious and sustainable meals that you would enjoy through the side
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 3:31

If you had the opportunity to cook for a famous historical figure, who would it be and what would you prepare for them?

So thank you so much for answering all of these questions. It's a great opportunity for us to get to know you, and I'm looking forward to your answer on this one. So if you had the opportunity to cook for a famous person, who would it be? If you had the opportunity to cook for a local, regional del mar of a person or even somebody in the state of Maryland, who would it be and what would you prepare for that person?
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Jack Carpenter
@Jaxon · 0:19


I would love to cook for Gordon Ramsay. I would go classic with, like, buff Bergagnon or Coco van. I really think he'd appreciate the quality of the ingredients and the attention to detail that goes into these dishes. I sure hope he wouldn't cuss me out, that's for sure
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 2:17

What so we need to know? (include Food and Beverage trends you are following)

So if you are interested in supporting transportation and training at vehicles for Change del Marva, we train folks with a criminal background to become certified technicians. We're giving them a second chance. Full circle is the name of the program. It is an opportunity that gives second chances. Additionally, if you have a vehicle and you're trying to get rid of it, give us a call. Vehiclesforchange.com donate your vehicle. We can get it picked up
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Jack Carpenter
@Jaxon · 0:13


I follow. Grando. G-R-O-N-D-O-A gastronomy app. Very good. How to where? To the whole kit and caboodle. Give it a shot
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 1:10

How do you adventure? #OnAcornBay #ChefsTable #SpeakEasy #BeTheBeacon

Epicurean elegance, indulging in exquisite cuisine and exclusive networking opportunities. This is the chef's table and speakeasy soiree. So that's the idea there. And the location is not known. So we move this event around to different parts of our region. The final question, and thank you so much for joining us here on Acorn Bay. Soilcast and thank you, soilcasters, for listening in. If you have any questions for Jack, please jump on in. Ask away. Ask away
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Jack Carpenter
@Jaxon · 0:18


It. I love to explore new places, whether it's the beach, mountains, or even exploring a new city. I love being in a new place and experiencing something different each and every time. Just jump in the car and yell, go. That's how it's done
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 0:15

Share a place you visited, what made it special other than rhe food.

Hello. Can you share with us what Two of the places that you visited that were very special What made them special, other than the food