Shanika Woodson
@NStar · 4:56

Stepping out of the gulity comfort zone

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So it's cocreating we're being here, we chose to be here. And now we can co create with our physical body and our mental knowledge. So it's fine tuning the process of deliberate thinking our thoughts. And that's what I love about being here on Swell and listening to other people. It's listening to your thoughts and being able to put my thoughts and my feelings with those and ideas and come up with spiritual food for my spirit, for my spirit

#well-being #practicalspirtuality #Nstar🌟 #collectivereading #liberationfromguilt #freetolive #accountability #guiltycomfortzone #Ezekial 25:17 #Justice

Shanika Woodson
@NStar · 4:48

#uncagedguilt #liberation #Uncaged

You're trying to downplay yourself to make them feel better. And that's where last week we had that angry energy of feeling like we're not going anywhere. But this week things are moving. Things are moving and you're putting it together and people aren't going to like that. And you'll nstar to see exactly where the issue is with these people or with this situation. And that's where justice comes in