Taking measure of the middle I feel the weight of anchors fall gently to center a period, an empty page the accent of fullness a grace without physical plane or matter to exhaust assurance grow from the vantage of this quiet knowing a place to hover above the masquerade releasing bygones to the wind there's joy in the settled dust a margin of distance from the tirade of second thoughts and each breath and moment is reinforcement of the power to own all of your shadow smile at your reflection, feel your pen with a burgeoning awe finding revel in the miracle, the uniqueness of experience, the simplicity of being the unadulterated author of a fully present
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:49


I just had the pleasure of listening to this. Thank you so much. I think you have a phrase in there that's so beautiful. Owning your own shadow, all of your shadow. Owning all of your shadow. It's so beautiful