Sharing what I read today…

Hey, there, it's 03:30 a.m.. And I ran up these Tamba Duponts. Well, I never explored myself on an audio community building platform, so it's my first time. And I'm going to sharing what I read today, every day, which is mostly around systems thinking, creative thinking, design thinking. I'm currently obsessed with these three

#spirituality #surrender #systemsthinking #technology #designthinking #developeradvocacy #creativethinking #selfhelp #mentalhealth #food

Varun Aich
@varunkaich · 0:27
Hey, NIA, Congratulations on joining this platform. It's an excellent platform. I mean, I've just been there for a couple of days, but it's really amazing and yeah, really interesting topics. You mentioned creative thinking and all of that. I think if you, if I'm not mistaken, if it's Edward de Bono, the other two have no idea, but quite impressive. So once again, welcome to Swell. Congratulations. Nicely done. Thank you. Bye
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:29
Hey Neha, glad to connect with you here on Swell. All those topics that you know, just mentioned or design thinking, creative thinking, very, very interesting areas. I would love to hear your views and your take on that concern these subjects. So I'm going to be following you here on Swell and I really look forward to your post around all these topics
Neha Setia
@NehaSetiaNagpal · 0:12


Shay Ramya. Glad to have connected with you on this platform. I'm quite enjoying it, to be honest. Yeah. Stay tuned for more updates