Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 4:59

Life is on fast forward mode!

And life is supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be happy, it's supposed to be positive, you know? So if you can do what you love, it'll satisfy you to such levels that it'll a be so refreshing to actually deal with whatever situations you're dealing with. Pretty much. It may be work, it may be family, it may be anything in life. You know, it'll boost your energy, it'll boost your confidence
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 1:51
It'll automatically resonate and it'll automatically be in synchronously with the universe and everything, everything will work out in your favor. So, yeah, I mean, like, that's all I can say, pretty much, you know, like, when you're in harmony with yourself, you're pretty much in harmony with everything around you as well