Nate Potts
@NateP1500 · 4:12

Be a witness to someone’s transformation

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And when you witness that kind of transformation, man, don't be afraid to congratulate that person. Don't be the kind of person that just because it's not your time, or you're still going through something within your ascension process and you haven't reached the level or transformation that you're aiming for at this point in time, but someone else has. And you witness that, congratulate that person, because there's no competition between you and nobody else
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:40
And he said that he doesn't even do coffee dates with friends anymore because he realized it became just a moment in time to brag about all the things you've done and all the things you have coming up. And I kind of agree with him
Nate Potts
@NateP1500 · 1:22


It's a shame that we're just in such a place where everything is such. Such competition. Like we're always comparing ourselves and you always, in that state of comparison, you don't ever really feel adequate enough. Like, you know, something that someone's doing is always going to be better than what you're doing because you're always comparing
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:47


In some conversations, I'm very passionate about some topics or some discussions or whatever, you know, and I find myself wanting to interject and, you know, maybe not even the sense that we're talking here, where it's like we're trying to one up somebody in a subconscious. Subconscious away of saying, you know, someone saying that they won $500, and then you suddenly feel necessary. The time when you won a free trip to Hawaii or something