Niki Ebrahimnejad
@N1kkums · 1:04

Why do remakes?

So I was watching a video of Cinema Therapy, and there was a video on Beauty Beast, the original Disney version a little bit about how the remake with Emma Watson didn't really add much more. And I personally like that film better. But it got me thinking as to why people had remakes of the same movie, even though it's a pretty basic story. And why don't you come up with something new? I can understand from one point. Okay. There's already a fan base

#media #remakes

Dominique Davis
@Dominique · 0:37
It's just so easy to get people to go and watch a remake. It's harder to go and convince people to watch an original movie that is based off a new story that hasn't been told before because you don't know if people are going to be be interested in watching that movie. But with remakes, people have gone and seen the first movie, they have seen it. They have paid money to go and watch it. There's an interest there