@Mysoulspeaks4me · 3:30

"Fetus in Fetu" (FIF)

But see, I still feel you there. Not a fairytale or some fond fixation fictional function of pheromones dopamine cannabinol isurgic acid, dipholamide or oxytocin. No, I still feel you there. My ferocious feminine phantom limb. You're always a part of me. You never left. And my left is my writing arm. I feel you pinning love letters across my heart while it's beating so as to let the love be legible. You learned my ridiculous rhythm, started writing poems and pulse patterns

Fetus in Fetu (FIF) is a rare congenital anomaly. It is a condition in which malformed and parasitic fetus is located in the body of it's twin.

Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:45
This is so beautiful. The whole thing is just in all of your words and your sentiment and just the depth of your soul. I think it makes sense with your account being like, my soul or something like that. Also, excuse me, back online. I'm in the airport. A long layover. But anyhow, this is just so powerful and deep and bowl and beautiful. So thank you for writing and thank you even more for sharing. And I just love how you ended it
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 2:09
He does it again. This one was much harder for me to respond to it's. It's pretty gut wrenching. It's I mean, what you're talking about and the way you're delivering it, that condition of losing a twin, but always having that be a part of your psychic landscape because it was from the very formation in utero. Right. Just what a terrific and terrifying right, you do it again