Myrna Brady
@MyrnaB46 · 4:39

Wellness Wednesday

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And then the second thing that brings me joy is music. I love music like I love to breathe. It's essential to my life. People always tell me I walk like him walking to my own theme song. And technically, I am. I always hear a rhythm in my head when I walk, when I talk, whatever I do. And music is just such a universal language. I've been in countries all over the world, and the one unifying factor was always music song movement

#wellnesswednesday. What brings you Joy?

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:28
That's where they're like, use the swell pause feature. Dog one at JL. I think they did that swell just for me because I'm notorious for continuing my swells regardless. But yeah. So after I come back from the gym, then I walk the dog and then I shower. I do a cold shower. If you haven't heard about cold shower therapy, it is oh, my gosh, top notch stuff. Top notch stuff. So, yes, research, cold shower therapy
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:54


Hey. Myrna, what a great question. What a great exchange. And reminding us that we need to follow our bliss, which is so easy to say, so hard to do. My joys are hearing your joys. Honestly, I love to learn about people's passions, their convictions, their stories, how they lift each other up. I'm very moved by the power of connection, the power of community