Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:27

Gaining Self Control Part 1

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This is having self control and obeying the law of the city. In our spiritual life, we must feel that in our spiritual life, we might feel that we can do anything now that we are saved. But Paul says just because we got grace doesn't mean we can. Meaning we must exercise control. The devil wants to think it's impossible to have control, but it isn't

#selfcontrol #God #love #Jesus #Christ

PastorD Smith
@PastorDrDSmith · 2:40

Self Control #Pastordsmith # DrLadyd

I prayed I'm coming out to the Lord because I just couldn't understand. And then when I got up off my knees, which I always do, I opened up my Bible. Once I get up off my knees, I just open my Bible and read the scripture. But anyway, the Bible opened right up to ecclesiastically a time to speak and a time to keep salad. I say, wow, I understood. And so, yeah, that is a very timely message
Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 1:36


Hey, woman of God, thank you so much for your reply. I really do appreciate that. I love hearing you talk and hear what you have to say. And my mom used to tell me that, too, not to say everything I want to say, even though I feel like it's the right thing to say. And she was like, Lou, be quiet. And oftentimes you have to get mad at her