Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 3:32

Police ambush. Is it Karma?

We're tired of seeing our brothers, our uncles, our dads, our cousins, our nieces, our mothers, our sisters getting shot, killed, beaten by police, especially when they're minding their own business and not doing anything like the two officers were. So now you have this big public outcry immediately, boom from President Trump. And he's saying now we need to toughen our laws and we need to make the court system faster where we can get them in there and execute them faster


Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 3:13
I didn't commit the offense. They pulled him out of the car and started warping up on the dude and had him down, pushing his face into the concrete. He's yelling, I can't breathe, right? That sounds familiar all over again. No lessons have been learned. And what was the rationale for that? Like, dude, all he was doing was having a ride. You know what I mean? Eventually. Yeah, man
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 2:29
If it's a white guy sitting in the passenger side of his constitutional rights are being violated and he's going to let you know about it because you don't have no right to be messing with him because he's not the driver. You're supposed to go after the driver now why they were asking for a dude's ID and all that if he's sitting in the back of a lift when it's obviously the driver that broke the law, I mean, that's self explanatory
Abraham Martinez
@AbeMartinez · 0:52

American caveat

America, the home of the free. Well, some are free where anybody can have their guns out in the open. Well, as long as you look her certain way, anybody can prosper and have the American dream. Maybe if we say you can, that's right vote Republican and you'll get what you deserve in America. For all people except some. I'm Kent Chetman. Our group is missed
Poker Man
@RealPokerMan · 5:00
And then the military comes in and just kill the Brown people? You know, how is that s*** going to work? Because, you know, if a civil war breaks out, eventually the military is going to come in. And it's not like back in the days when civil war and everybody was kind of even on both sides. Man, we are no match for the f****** American military, man. It will be a slaughter
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Poker Man
@RealPokerMan · 0:30
Yeah, I got cut off. I just wanted to finish up what I was saying about. I think Trump is counting on a civil war because he knows he's going to shut it down with the military. He wants there to be a civil war so he could have an excuse to bring the military and just kill everybody
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 1:55
People are getting more tired and they're getting a lot more bold because they're feeling like we don't really have no stake in this. Because with all this going on with the Black Lives Matter and the George Floyd, if you could still be so bold as to keep doing that same s*** when people are filming, you like, you don't care. Then I sense people starting to get that. I don't give a f*** attitude right back
Poker Man
@RealPokerMan · 3:00
Yeah, I feel you, man. I feel the same way I often think about my kid and my kid. My I got a 24 year old son. And if that would have been me and a cop was killing me, you know, by needing on my neck, I don't know what my kid would have done. What would you have done? Some cop is killing me like you see me, I'm on the ground dying, and there's a cop on my neck