Scottye Battle



People tell me I should do a podcast, that Im a story teller, that Im a content creator, so here I am, at the begining of this new exploration.

Scottye Battle
Scottye Battle
EUROPE adventure 1995 London England

#backpacking #europe #1997 #girlintheworld

Scottye Battle
Europe Adventure 1995 Journal Entries 3-7

#London #1995 #doubledecker

Scottye Battle
Scottye Battle
Intro to Solo 3 month trip to Europe 1995.

Contemplating recording the pages of my 1995 travel journal on Swell #younggirl #travelspirit #youth #freedom #adventures #travel #journal #1995

Scottye Battle
Who we are today is a future manifestation of who we were. Here Ill share somethig I wrote on about crush I had in my 20s while in college.

#scottyebwrites #Crush #crushes #thejourney #life #thoughts #who #we #are #never #leaves

Scottye Battle
Reflections of my personality of yesteryear, a tumultuous recent couple of years and a peak at atomic radiation of my intetnal information.

#scottyebwrites #flashback #flashforward #stillnessintime #thenow #the #power #of #words #to #preserve #write #reflect #thejourney #new #consciousness

Scottye Battle
Morning thoughts

Morning monologues and sometimes poerty cross my semi concious my mind before my eyes open. Then I wake to the slightly unusual frequency #soul #love

Scottye Battle
Swell user mugshot