Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:54

The Minimalist Now Life

And so I'm finding myself bringing less stuff into my house and getting rid of more stuff and throwing more stuff out of the house because less is truly more. And even with my decorating, my decorating is minimalist. I have some things on the walls, but I don't have tons of knickknacks and I don't have tons of things just crammed into every little space in my house. I have very minimal stuff, very minimal decorations, because for me, the clean look is the best for me

#minimalist #softliving #clutterfree #neatfreak #mentalhealth #mentalwellness

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:49
So I'm totally with you. I love the things that have meaning to me and I love the things that help me create. But there is also a bunch of junk, I'm not going to lie. So, yeah, I'm with you totally
Kimberly Harrison
@Be-Hope · 2:07
I vow to myself to try to keep not try to keep everything nice, neat, and clean so that if anything happens, I will not be a burden or my items left behind will not be a burden to someone coming behind me. It's so necessary. Even right now, it's my office, but I kind of just started throwing stuff in there as my okay, I'm going to come back to it
Veronica Triplett
@VeeTrip · 0:54


I'm very excited to talk about those things due to I'm kind of in that same space. And sometimes we do just need a push or a word of encouragement to take that step. So waiting for more interaction with you because definitely I think a lot of people it in that space where they just need a push