Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:50

Mininum mammogram age should be lowered to 30

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But yes, the American Cancer Society needs to adjust their guidelines and drop it to age 30 so that younger women have a better chance, if they are diagnosed, have a better chance of defeating it and catching it early and defeating it so that they don't have to wait until they're older to get regular screening done. Thank you so much for listening
Masha Rooh
@Ba-Dastoor · 5:00

#fightagainstcancer #selfexamine #selfcare #breastcancer

Hey Tanya, thanks for bringing up this very important discussion. You're very right. With the increased number of cases Romans these days facing breast cancer or being diagnosed with, we need measures to prevent us from flushed disease
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J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:51
And I looked at her and I said, as long as insurance is paying for it, I'm going to continue to get the screening. And when they stop paying for it, I will figure out a way to continue to get the screening. Same thing with my IUD my IUD was just inserted. 2020. January 2020 just inserted. I was told then this lasts for five years, year five, actually. By the end of year four