Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 4:35

Man vs Bear

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So it's just like, when I look at this, my question is at the end of this, is, what exactly is are we trying to accomplish here? Do we not want to be around each other? Is that the ultimate point of all this? Is that we have gotten to a point so deeply and so badly that women and men just cannot be around each other anymore? Is that where we are?
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:17
I saw a video on Twitter where a young lady was asked, would you go on a vacation as a first date with someone? And she very enthusiastically said, yes. Why waste time going to a local bar to get to know each other? We can go to Cuba and get to know each other in another country. But yet these are the same women saying that a bear would be safer than a man. Now, like you said, these women are on dating apps


We have to make different decisions. And we can recognize that there's danger, but there's also not danger. To me, it isn't about hating men. It isn't about pitting groups against each other. To me, it's more about raising awareness about the different ways that we experience the world. I don't know if I've said this already, but there was a quote some time ago, some guy said about the biggest fear men have is if women will laugh at them
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 1:40


So it's actually good to actually hear someone who can actually see this because I don't know what the end goal is here. And I'm not even talking about even in a bigger sense, just individual to individual. Like, if you are so distrustful of other human beings, how do you function? Honestly? How do you have any kind of life or any kind of interaction with people? If your default is men bad, women bad, whatever
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 4:40


And when I think about it, I just think about several people I know who are petite, smaller men who don't. Who. I mean, I honestly operate and move through the world similarly to the way that women do in terms of the feelings of threat and danger, but we don't really consider them when we're talking about men. Right


Whether it's about gender or race, we have to be able to talk about them in order to address them and change them, which I think you would agree with
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 4:55


And the problem I have, again, the normalization of men are dangerous, is life threatening for men like myself. Because again, the result is when anything happens, killing someone who looks like me is considered logical because the perception is they are too dangerous to allow to live. We cannot take the chance because public perception is danger. There's, he's going to do something, I don't know what it is, but he's just like a bear
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 4:59


It assumes that all women are afraid, that all women have to be afraid, that all women are weak, that all women are, in a way, a victim to men, and that they always have to have this victim mentality somewhere in the back of their head that men are dangerous. Men are. You must assume that men are the snake in the room, the spider in the room. But some of those snakes aren't dangerous
Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 4:44
Mostly the mother teaching manners, politeness, behavior, sharing, how to interact with siblings, how to interact with the world. Fathers are incredibly important. But it was the women in my life who shaped me and my brother. The men were at work. I just have a hard time with the sweeping globalism of this kind of argument. And I don't think it's healthy, and I don't think it's beneficial for younger women to teach them that all men are dangerous rather than teaching them
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 3:04


But for some reason, we have this idea that all men are just so dangerous and that we can't ever be comfortable or relax around them. Because even in the world that we live in right now, we believe a random man to be more dangerous to women than a fucking bear in the woods. I don't know how we've gotten to this point. Point. And it's very frustrating because it really comes down to, do you not see me? Do you not hear me?

@Isoellen @MK1981 (1/2)

And this is when it would come out of who was the creepy guy or what kind of thing was happening to each woman, whether it was a physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, etcetera. Right? And then it became known that this is what was happening. The word became vilified, and it was about tattling, and it was about talking about people. And you can't do gossip, right? It's almost the same kind of thing
Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 4:41
Some men are dangerous, that is. And they're not just dangerous to women. Like, I am at risk, too. It's not that I don't recognize the danger in other human beings. Like, other people can hurt me. Shit, a teenage kid can fucking stab me at any moment. Like, there's nobody that I think that I'm actually safe around. But that's a much deeper conversation

@Isoellen @MK1981 (2/2)

You can't put a flame out by pointing the hose at the edges and trying to refine exactly where those flames reach. You have to put the hose at the base of the flame to put the fire out. And if we aren't able to talk about the issues that women have, the fears that women have because we're concerned about this word, that phrase, etcetera, has this impact on men as a whole or particular groups of men
Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 5:00

Reductive reasoning @SeekingPlumb

Hey, beautiful. I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to this conversation. I feel like I always need to listen to everything you say a couple times because you are really smart and you use such incredible language. The first thing I want to say is just the principle of the reductive reasoning. I'm not sure I necessarily agree with it, and it's something I would really love to learn more and understand about in a