Mitchell McKay
@mitchellsmckay · 4:16

Homelessness in the United States

By Hai Chohois so today I would like to have the record straight and say some stuff for her today about the homeless according to the National Coalition for the Homeless, around 25% of homeless people are employed, but they face significant barriers to employment, such as limited job opportunities, discrimination, lack of access to transportation, and sometimes having a hard time maintaining hygiene or her clothing needed for the job
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 2:28
You know, we're assuming that it's somebody else, but it isn't. A lot of folks are one moment away from homelessness. And there's a study that was done by the United Way, and it's called Alice, as in the girl Alice. And Alice stands for asset limited income constraints, employed individuals
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