Midnight Bloom
@Midnight_Bloom · 1:20

#TellYourStory | The best advice I ever received was...

You. The best advice that I ever received is to stop asking for permission. Do you have any idea how boring the game of life would be if we all picked the same race, class, items, equipment and storylines to pursue? I don't want that. I wanted color, expression, something different. I never liked doing what everyone else was doing, and I was always made to feel bad for that. Until one day I had a conversation that basically said, why do you feel bad?

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp6 #love #selfcare @rocio

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:53
And I think that's kind of the goal, at least for me, when I think about it, is to trust that voice in myself and trust that intuition, because it will take you there and then whatever criticism will be. But nobody can take away from you that you are living your life on your own terms. So, yeah, I really like this. I think this is a great piece of advice
Midnight Bloom
@Midnight_Bloom · 1:58


It. That's exactly how I feel. And I think to expand on that a little further, you have to really consider when you receive criticism, who are you getting it from? I noticed that when I look back, before I started caring a lot less about what people thought about my personal journey, I would get a lot of criticism and take it to heart. And then when I look at the choices that these people make, they are not living true to themselves