Micah Liss
@micahicarus · 1:56

What movies do you believe everyone NEEDS to watch?

You. So I for context, I'm in college, my best friend is a film major, and recently, she has become increasingly appalled at the sheer lack of movies that I have seen. And this wouldn't be necessarily bad if it weren't for the fact that the movies that I haven't seen are all ones that she deems are essentially must watches of. Like, essentially, you haven't lived until you've seen these movies

#movierecs #recommendations

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 4:54
To look at international cinema, to look at independent cinema, of course, and to build your own journey with it. And maybe there are I mean, for sure there are classic movies that are worth watching because they changed the game, but I think you can't watch every movie in the world. You just can't. So it's good to follow your instincts and to develop your own taste in your own way
Taylor J
@Taylor · 4:55
And I just think that movies, aside from being, like I said, a great way to tell a story, they tell you so much about history and about how we've evolved as a people over the course of the last 120 odd years. And of course, there's the whole aspect of sort of escapism being able to sort of detach yourself from your life in the real world and go off to fantastic places and meet characters and things that you would never come across in your own life