Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:56

Michelle Yeoh / Jaime Lee Curtis

That is the whole purpose of life, is to help one another get through this thing called life, have great experiences, learn things, grow as a human and be better, a better version of yourself today than you were yesterday. And I think that's why we have mental health. That is such a huge rise right now, because people are like, I was trying, but everybody is so competitive and everybody is so much better than me. Honey, they're the same as you

#michelleyeoh #jaimeleecurtis #MHNmaven

Jessica Eden
@lifeartreality · 2:58
And that I don't think females were ever meant to hate each other and were ever meant to. I think that's something that people have had a lot of power trips over. But I don't think females naturally want to hate on each each other. It's a trust thing, I think
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:50


So hopefully words, when somebody's at their lowest and you're trying to help them rise and say, look, we all feel these things at one point or another in our life. We all are important. We all feel this way. You're not alone. You're not by yourself. I feel you. I'm sorry. I can't take the pain away
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:55
Because there are things that derail us all the time. There's the yin and the yang of the world, the good and the evil. However you want to look at it, it happens. Things happen, and you've got to pivot, and you've got to move around. But here's the thing. As emotional beings, especially as women and some men, we carry that baggage with us in our car
Jessica Eden
@lifeartreality · 1:55


So before my phone dies, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your replies, which led to a text that I very much needed to send somebody who just to find closure and gratitude with her because she had done a lot for me, me and my family and everything. And so I was kind of scared of seeming too vulnerable. But once I sent it, I felt a lot better in where we stand, at least, and just a very nontransactional, just place of gratitude
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 1:37


If it doesn't, it doesn't. I've let it go, and it's all good. So I know it takes a lot of courage to just let something go. But for you to make that phone call took a lot of courage. And I think you should do something thing really nice and special for you tomorrow because of doing that. You should definitely celebrate even the little things, because that took a lot. And I'm proud of you
@Abdoullah · 0:03


I don't care what you're saying. Or both
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Jessica Eden
@lifeartreality · 1:42


One of them was more on her, like you were talking about with the whole choice thing, her issues, her trauma, her whatever it is, even just the limited life experience or other life experience. And then the other one that definitely healed family relationships just to communicate and overcommunicate, which I don't ever think is a bad thing. But I guess the point is that you can always come out to be the better person when you're nice