
Does your emotional childhood wound attract a partner with the same wound ?

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These patterns and coping mechanisms are often unconscious and sometimes people can be unaware of them. For example, a person who grew up in an emotionally distant family may be attracted to someone who has difficulty with emotional intimacy. They may feel a sense of comfort and familiarity with someone who shares this experience. Alternatively, a person who experienced physical or emotional abuse as a child may be attracted to someone who is also a survivor of abuse

Working through childhood traumas with therapy can help individuals develop a healthier sense of self & improve relationships!

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:22
Hi. I feel this is something really, really true. And this happens because I have noticed a lot of these things before, but I never knew much about this. But after listening to your swell, I could connect each and every word of your swell to something that I've experienced and seen in my life. So thank you so much for sharing this swell and letting us know about this