Alyssa Reyes
@mediamind · 1:13

Relationships with the Gym

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I will go three days and maybe off five and today? Well, this week I've actually been consistently going. So I'm going on my fourth day. And hopefully I can keep that up throughout like the next several weeks because my goal is to lose weight. But I really want to get into the topic of just anyone's relationship with the gym. And how do you make a schedule and how does it work for you? Are you splitting up your days? Are you doing legs?


Indy Rishi Singh
@MysticScientist · 0:52
And then I do my workouts and my stretching on the beach with some meditation or the beach or any sort of natural area. So now my gym is the world. And sometimes I do go to a regular gym. But I still enjoy being in like, getting fresh air, having some water nearby. And I just feel like my workout is just so much more bounce back, so much more too, from the stretching and some even from the high intensity aspects of some of my workouts
Jonathan Gossett
@JonathanGossett · 1:48
It is definitely really hard to stay consistently, especially with balancing with classes and work and independent study and like a whole bunch of different other factors with life. It's definitely hard, and I praise those who can do that on a consistent schedule. Going into the gym, working out like five days a week, at least taking two days for us. You're definitely not the only one
Alyssa Reyes
@mediamind · 0:29


I think that's such a big part of it in coming from, like a team and then transferring that to working out by yourself. I think that's super cool that your whole gym is just like outside and you're able to work out. And I think finding what's best for you is always going to help you. So I'm glad you know what's best for you and how you can work out and you have your own plan
Alyssa Reyes
@mediamind · 0:44


But thank you so much. I think, Matt, that going gradually into it will help me. But I've always tried to just go at my own pace and sometimes I forget to just keep going. But thank you
Alyssa Reyes
@mediamind · 0:51


I don't really like working out with so many people. Your weight lifting class sounds like fun, though. Do you have to do, like, partner work or just by yourself? How does that work exactly? But thanks for timing in
Alyssa Reyes
@mediamind · 0:13


Just look into it. It sounds it sounds really cool. What time is it from? I know you said it's a 50 minutes class, but what time does it go to? Or like, what days and stuff
tay hendrix
@taythepisces · 0:47
This is such an interesting question for me because for a long time I struggled with body dysmorphia and, you know, disordered eating. So going to the gym, I was very much such a negative experience for me. It was a way to control what I looked like, and it really negatively influenced my mental health. But now I'm a lot healthier
Alyssa Reyes
@mediamind · 0:52


Hi, Taylor. So I'm so glad that you talked about this, because I think it's super important that you find something that works for you. And I'm so happy to hear that you've overcome those struggles in your life. And and I know they probably still come up and they're kind of touchy subjects. I know I've gone through the same thing just constantly with body Dysmorphia. I see myself in the mirror as one person on camera
Sophia Hyslop
@sophie7 · 1:32
And I'm more of the kind of person that would like to play a game with my friends, like go play a pickup soccer game to get exercise or go to a yoga class. So I have a hard time getting myself to exercise by myself. But I think like a group of people exercising together in the form of a game or a yoga class, stuff like that is a lot easier for me
Caitlin Jensen
@Cait.Jensen · 1:10
And I honestly think it's really hard to balance life, campus life, extracurriculars, and all that fun stuff when also going to the gym because it's like a whole separate entity, but you kind of just have to do it for yourself. Another thing that really helps me is that I try to have like a buddy. Of course, buddy systems are always great. They help you, they motivate you
Caitlin Jensen
@Cait.Jensen · 1:19
Okay. And so also, that leaves me on the note. Another thing I wanted to mention is that actually my school has started like this group. It's called Girls Games, and I've never heard of anything like it before. And it's brand a new. And I think that my school started it. And now I'm starting to notice that other schools are starting it. So it's kind of like a chapter based program
Katie Callahan
@katiecal · 2:01
So, like, for me, on Tuesday nights, I go to a spin class because that kind of breaks up my workouts and kind of add some variety to my week at the gym. And it kind of helps me stay motivated. So I'd recommend doing that as well. And I guess just like really kind of like pushing yourself of why am I here? Why do I want to go? This is why. This is why I will go, that kind of thing
Kylie Miller
@kyliemiller · 2:46

Gym partners and tailoring your workout to things you enjoy!

But one of the things that really helped me was try to find someone to go with. And that kind of has a similar schedule to you. You can take it day by day, but just like you guys can motivate each other to go. I had two friends that we would always go to the gym together almost every single day, and we would do the twelve 330, which is like that TikTok trend, I guess, where you do like twelve incline, three speed for 30 minutes
Emma Meyer
@emmameyer · 1:27
So I went to the gym and it was great. And then I ended up going every day that week and I even had a day where I just didn't go. So I guess you go six days and then off for one day. And I feel like that's what a lot of avid gym people do. So I decided to do that and now it's just in my schedule. They're like, oh, God, to find time for the gym