Manya Sharma
@manya.hersels · 1:02

An introduction to swell

Hi, welcome to my channel or account on Swell, since I'm new to Swell. So I am still exploring Swell and I'm figuring out how it works, how people connect. And I am really hoping for a great experience on Swell and making some impact on people and give them a reason so that they could follow me. And I want to be inspired, I want to inspire and get inspired by other people

#new #explore #lovedit

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:50
Hey, mania. I absolutely agree to that. Swell is a great initiative because here you can actually hear people, listen to them, listen to their thoughts and perspectives and know them, you know, know someone through their thoughts thoughts and through whatever they sharma because it's not just pictures, but you get a sneak peek into their minds to some extent. So I think that's a really great thing about this platform. And that's what has always amazed an odd as well