Maheen K
@maheen · 1:03

the time i made a bed frame

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So I took the measurements of my bed and everything. And then I went to Home Depot, and I was able to buy the wood and everything to make the bed. And I literally just made it, as you can see in the picture. And it was so cheap to make. And this is like during the pandemic, like, last year, around this time is when I made it
Rud S
@rudash · 0:48
And I think that would just look so modern and cool. But I just have two questions. Did you send it to make sure that it wasn't rough or anything? Or was it already smooth enough? And then I'm just scared that it would poke me because I hate getting splinters, especially from wood if I'm handling without gloves or anything. So how did you make sure it wouldn't poke or anything?
Maheen K
@maheen · 1:02


Basically what I did for this was. So at first there were, like, two parts to the bed frame that I made that I'll show in the picture. There was the bottom part and then the top part. So for the bottom part, I went with, like, a little bit of, like, rougher wood just because it was cheaper where you could kind of see that you could probably maybe get splinters if you really stuck your hand in it or whatever
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Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Cara Plumhoff
@caraplumhoff · 0:19
That is so cool that you did that and I love the bed frame. It looks really cool and what a great activity to do during quarantine. I would love to learn more about how you did that cause I also am going to need a bed for him pretty soon
Maheen K
@maheen · 1:02


Oh, yes. Okay. I'm definitely down to tell you some more details about how I made my bed frame. So first to start, like I first did, like the bottom of my bed, which was like the support to the actual bed. And for measurements for or the actual whole thing. I took measurements from my old bed frame just because I liked the size of that