Maheen K
@maheen · 1:00

longboarding is a great hobby

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But then I got my first longboard, and I just felt like it was so much easier to learn how to longboard, as opposed to skateboarding or even using like, a Penny board just because there's so much more, like foot space and the board is bigger. And I felt like it was less wobbly because I know on skateboards you can do the thing where you flip the skateboard. I think that's probably possible on a log board, too, but I haven't tried it
Shakthi Balakrishnan
@shakthikabala · 0:24
I'll definitely check this out. I know, like my dad bought a skateboard for us, like back in the day, but I could never ride it because it was always so wobbly. And like, my left foot has no balance because I have no arge in it. So it was always really scary. But like, the longboard sounds really cool. Yes. Maybe I'll give it a go. Thanks for sharing, Mahin
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:17

Longboard dancing! https://youtu.be/Zww3NP61_Xw

I totally, totally agree. I second your advice here to learn how to longboard. It's a ton of fun. It's sort of. I described it to people as, like snowboarding or surfing on concrete, I think feel like that's how long boards feel? I guess they sort of replicate that experience. And your point about the wobbliness. It's interesting, actually, because you can do tons of tricks, actually, on Longboards