Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 0:27

How do I stop the Swell invites?

Is there any way to not allow for people to invite you to their swells? Very serious question. I get lots of invites, and it just feels very spammy. And I was wondering if you guys know how to not be invited to random swells, how to do that. If you could leave that in a voice memo, that would be awesome. Thank you
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:52
The only way you can get rid of invites is if you were to cast a hexing spell on the staff of swell and force them all to be Republicans. This is the only way it can be achieved. Force them all to love Donald Trump and you'll see the invites go away. But I'm very nervous and scared to know what will take its place. Then an alternate universe as well. I bid you good luck on your journey of information gathering. May the spirit be with you
Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 0:11


That was the best response. Thank you. I think I will spare swell for today. Thank you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 0:46
Likely the best forum is to I believe there's a Swell Support Channel or at Swell Support or something of that nature, but you could post the question in that thread for their tech team to continue consider removing the feature. And then if there are people who are inviting you, then to just let them know not to invite you either in a private message, in the response on their thread, and then they know as they are scrolling and inviting to not include you in that list
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 0:27
Danielle. I love Devon's response, too. Don't hex us. We hear you. We hear you loud and clear. I have passed on your request to the product team, so unfortunately, there isn't a way today. But I passed your request on to the product team, and I think they're going to talk about it. So maybe there was a hex after all. Devon never know