You. Hello everyone. Welcome back to love, live, learn. I have something quite relatable to talk about today. As you can read from the title. I want to ask if you are an overthinker who is an overthinker? What is overthinking? Overthinker is when you dwell on or worry about something repeatedly be in some ways it refers to this habit or this need to constantly go back to something and think about it again and again and again with varying possibilities, wondering about what could have been
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 1:17
Let me pause this so I can find so irreversible versus reversible. Start with there and think to what degree if it is irreversible, to what degree if it is reversible, either one. And then from there I go. I determine whether stakes are no stakes, low stakes or high stakes. And I have some rules for those things. And really, that's about it. I'm trying not to add much more to it, but, yeah, this is an ongoing problem for me
Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:13
My whole approach here is to shed some light to those people who are trying to come out of overthinker. Point number one to be noted is our thought frame is different and our life frame is very different. Suppose you are sitting at office and thinking about home. It is not a right place to think about home. If you want to go home, just get up and go home. Be courageous. If you want to sit at office and think at home
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Eksat PPandori
@eksat_17 · 1:04
You. Hi. You're absolutely right. I have been a victim of overthinking since past two years, I guess. And overthinker is a habit that is so hard to break. We might even convince ourselves that thinking about something for a really long time is the key to developing the best solutions. But that's usually not the case. In fact, the longer we think about something, the less time or energy we have to take productive actions