Love LadyO ๐Ÿ’‹
@loveladyoย ยทย 4:59

Cinderella Effect Part 2

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It is so brutal, so fatal in what happens in that. And this is something that has been studied and theorized, and people really research this matter because it is very scary to imagine that here you are thinking that your child is safe. There was someone who loves you, but they don't love your child. I have seen this first hand play out. I have heard and seen first hand men who have proclaimed that they do not like the children of the person they're in a relationship with

#parenting #cinderellaeffect #protectourchildren

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesย ยทย 2:29


And I just honor anybody and thank anybody who is able to do that to protect a beautiful young life, to become a beautiful, strong adult. So thank you for being you and for sharing this complicated story
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisuย ยทย 4:54

Experience 1

Well, as we're spending more time together, I'm starting to learn more about that gap from when we lost communication, lost touch, just because of life, and learned that he had a son. And he did not do anything, to my knowledge, to mistreat my son. He was very doting on him and caring for him. Very, very caring
Swell Team
@Swellย ยทย 0:15

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J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisuย ยทย 4:34

Experience 2

But for me, that's when I was like, okay, when I get to a space where I'm ready to date again, it definitely has to be with the man that has kids around my son's age, that understands the whole coparenting dynamic, that has the patience to deal with kids and won't be hands off
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisuย ยทย 4:53

Experience 3

So we had this very whirlwind, fast paced courtship that fastly quickly transitioned into a blended family situation and quickly transitioned into an engagement and marriage situation. Now, there were plenty of red flags in all of those stages of the relationship that I ignored because my desire to be married again was greater than really vetting him for appropriateness to be the king of the house and in my life for that leadership and guidance. And so it started with I even asked my son
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisuย ยทย 4:54

Experience 3 - part 2

And not that he needs less protection, but for me, mentally is different from being a child child. So I definitely would revisit it then. But right now, no, I just want to go out of the house and have fun or invite my lover to the house when my son is not home