Loren DiGiorgi
@lorendigiorgi · 3:55

Piano For Listening #1 - The Prayer

Welcome to this episode of piano for listening. I'm Loren, and this original piece is called the prayer. Okay, if you enjoyed listening to the prayer, it's available on all of the streaming sites and also a sheet music. Thanks for listening, and I will see you again on the next cast

Live original solo piano from my CD, "Reflections." #piano

Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:12
Well, that was great. Thanks for sharing that. I really enjoyed that. Thank you. Hope to hear more again. That was great. Thanks for sharing that. Take care. Have a great day. Bye
Loren DiGiorgi
@lorendigiorgi · 0:04


Hey, thanks very much. I appreciate it. Glad you liked it