Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 0:58


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You seated, this moment feels pivotal, mission critical. Gaia's core is rumbling. Some people are fumbling, stumbling. But we've found our footing, understand our true calling. Warriors awakened and burning, dest and path opened like a portal, turning everything on its head. Dream time prophecies here, planets aligned. Zion tribe primed, ready creators on the front lines and dropping truth bombs from air space. We knew we were made for something greater. It's for this time

#newearth #starseed #jahpeople #rainbowwarrior #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #lovewarrior #poetry #poetrymonth # #poem #poets #artists #creators #poetrymonth

Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:47


Oh, my God. I'm sitting here with chills, like, every line, because I listened or I watched that video you sent and, like, dug in after that and stayed up way later than I should have. But just to digging, right? Digging and trying to understand and what you have written. Mama. Mama, what you have written. The purpose. And it's time. Oh, you're right. I love this. I love this piece. I love this piece
Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 1:17


It's. Well, you know what's so cool about this really insanely mysterious journey is before we talked, I wrote this, I don't know, maybe three days ago. And sometimes I'll write something and I'll get a message to just hold on to it for the right time. Um, and apparently that was the right time. And I'm super excited to know you. And it's so funny that you call me Mama
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:27


And there are a lot of us out there that didn't have what we were supposed to have. But who takes care of you? Like, who nurtures you? I don't know. I want to make sure that you're taken care of, too. Such a beautiful soul. So blessed to know you so excited about our journey together. And this poem was like, everything we talked about and more. Like, this is crazy. Oh, I love it. I love it
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Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 1:13


I have some beautiful of souls in my life that watch out for me. So thank you for caring about that. That's pretty amazing that you said that. And, yeah, I'm excited, too. Thank you so much for being who you are
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DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 2:02
Wow. Wow. I feel like this is Mother Gaia approved, absolutely stamped by nature herself. I am in the season of nature. This type of poetry is speaking to me right now because Taurus season is upon us. My birthday is coming and I am a nature queen and I follow the goddess of nature