Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:46

#askSwell | What’s something you’ve always been afraid to do, but you’re bound and determined to do it? #faceyourfears #ladyfi

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It's. What is something you've always been scared to do, but you're bound and determined to do it. I'll go first. I'm going to learn how to swim. I have a serious fear of water, but I don't want it to wash over me. It's use the pun. I don't want it to get to me. So I want to conquer that. So that's something I've always been scared of the water

Do what makes you scared until it dosen’t anymore! #faithoverfear #nofear #tryitlist #notafraidanymore #fearofwater

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:31
So I'm not sure if I've been afraid to do this, but probably I would say relocate because I have lived in Connecticut my whole life other than when I went to college in Virginia. And long story short, I left college early because I was pregnant and it had been my goal for many years to move back to Virginia, and I never did it
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:04


Not a farmer, but I'd love to have an old house on a farm somewhere where I could just do me, get my garden, my animals, and do that. Being a city kid, I didn't appreciate living on a farm until I did it with my second husband. I mean, I ain't Little Miss Muffin or nothing, but I'm just saying it was kind of cool having animals around, livestock, et cetera. But anyway, thank you so much for answering this
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J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:43


I went three days a week to these lessons with these women who were expert swimmers and really fine tuned my ability to swim, where I was able to do what is the normal pool length, competitive pool length, 50 meters. I was able to do ten laps back and forth and do my stroke and be in 10ft of water. So now I'm able to get in the pool. I mean, I am not as graceful as some because it's been since 2017
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:53


Thank you so much for replying to this. Well, I absolutely love that story that you wanted to be able to save your child. I mean, who doesn't, right? So that was wonderful that you tried to learn how to swim, and you actually did. You took that fear and you used it for the good of your son. You turned it around from fear to faith, and then you got the job done
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Promise Davis
@promise.destini · 0:40

Me too!

But then one time I mess up and I haven't really sang in a public place since then, so I'm definitely going to have to say performing in front of people. I also have pretty bad stage fright, so that goes with it. Thanks for asking, though