Keisean Raines
@KeiseanRaines · 3:48

What Language Are You Using to Describe Yourself? - Being intentional with our language is essential to our well-being

Recovery might be just a state of mental recovery that you're experiencing after having a substantial mental health challenge or continuously navigating through mental health challenges on a daily basis, as many of us are. When we think about the concept and the power of language, we recognize that when we use certain words that take us back to moments of discomfort, using those same words to self identify or share about ourselves with another person just kind of re triggers us. It touches that pain point all over again

Exploring how language when used to self identify, can either empower or disempower us. #wellness #wellbeing #mentalhealth #mentalwellness

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:18
That's a huge way that language has kind of crept in to our common vernacular of repertoire of phrases and remarks that degrade and demoralize ourselves at the very so willingly. And it's one that I've completely removed from my vocabulary and I encourage others to do
Keisean Raines
@KeiseanRaines · 3:59

The words that we use are quite literally creating our reality.

Thank you so much, Ty, for your reply and for just affirming what I was sharing specifically about the language that we use. The language that we use not only to describe ourselves, but the language that we use literally to communicate
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 4:57
I am loving this conversation. I feel like I have so much to say here, especially because you guys went off on these beautiful tangents too. But just going off of your first point, we'll start there. Yes, I was a psych major in college and this is something that I talked about with my thesis adviser who did a lot of research and am like, how much is getting a diagnosis from a clinician actually helpful?
