Kavita Seth
@kavitaseth · 2:01

Moment Magazine | How can one show support for a community under duress...

article image placeholderMoment Magazine | A Swell storytelling page
Hi everyone. Good evening. Yes, I have supported a community by helping them as sometimes when we are in a community we feel like tied somewhere and somehow with ropes and like somebody is holding us and our emotions and our inner self is somewhere lost. It is like a Gulliver when he was in just as we have read in Gulliver travels how he was feeling helpless in a new country, a new community of people

#MomentMag #sppmmagp3 @moment https://s.swell.life/SUAy0jV9awYdNQE #jewish #culture

mohamed reeyasdeen
@Reeyas · 1:22
We were like that, right? We were suffering like that. So we should help this person also. We should grab him up and we should make him climb the ladder. So it is really great thing, you know, helping others