So this is one major change I thought I'll share as per the prompt with you guys and look forward to connecting with you more, hearing more with you, learning more from you, and wherever possible share my views with you. This is all for this particular audio, video, whatever we can call it. Let's keep talking, let's keep learning. Thank you very much

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt @phil | One major change I noticed in my city/town this year...

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:18
Hello. And the liki Sardi iswarutni nahihui likinaj jo fog hayosalaktahiki sardi shayad purani sardi Wapasajari. Thank you for this. Well, have a lovely day. Merry Christmas. And a very happy new year. Bye
Khudania Ajay
@kajmasterclass · 0:42


Hello. Yes, even I think that. So mujatukai bharagaki Karthiya. But looks like. Yes this is a new thing that looks like climate change will have to wait for some more time. And if this sort of Sardi continues then it is a good sign that we have that old weather of Delhi intact. For I hope many many years to come. Let's see how all these things pan out. Thank you very much for a message. Have a good day and merry Christmas to you too
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:02
Yes, I do agree