Justice-Keith Little
@justice_keith86 · 4:59

Mental Health and Suicide:My story.

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Always want to say that, but why not start practicing now, right? So here's the thing. A couple of months ago, around like October, I went through a really bad mental health thing. I was in a really bad space and to the point that I almost well, not almost, I attempted suicide and I drank a lot, and it was the darkest time of my life

I promise its not a sob story, and I promise you wont cry. But I promise youll be uplofted. Sending love and blessings

Justice-Keith Little
@justice_keith86 · 0:22

How are you using your voice and platform?

How many of you have lived or living with mental illness? And how are you coping? And how are you telling your story to uplift others? How are you sharing with your community? Let me know
Sierra Forté
@iam.sierraforte · 1:24


Hey, Keith. Thank you so much for inviting me to let you know how I'm sharing my voice on this platform. My little swell corner was created to be a sacred space where I can reach souls that resonate with the messages that I want to share and the lessons that I want to teach. It is my ultimate goal to spark something in the listeners that will wake them up to the divinity that lies within and want to live a life that is led by the soul