Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 4:52

"Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride." Anthony Bourdain

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You. Your body is not a temple. It's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride. Anthony Bourdain, what does this quote mean to you? When I read and I said, Your body is not a temple, how did you feel? Were you, oh, my goodness, God bless, or were you like, yeah, you're right, it's an amusement park. What does that part mean to you as well? Enjoy the ride. What does that part mean?

#body #askswell #positivity

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:35

No hate from me…but, I do disagree with this quote

But on the flip side, Jordan, I've seen people suffer needlessly simply because they did not take care of their bodies. And the pain of the aches and groans of just getting out of bed when you constantly a headache, your mood is swinging up and down because everything's just wrong in your body
Carly D
@Astroality · 4:54
It's like I do whatever feels good in the moment because I always find a balance, and I eat what I want to eat, and what I want to eat isn't necessarily what other people want to eat. Some days I only crave clean foods. I only crave fruits and vegetables and nuts. And some days I love carbs. It just depends on the day. And I allow my body that freedom to do that, if that makes sense
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 4:29


Try new things, try new foods, get a massage, go to the chiropractor. But I don't feel that it is fair to compare a mental illness with what we're talking about and then does disqualifying it because of that mental illness. Nobody expected that from him. And he might have enjoyed his life in other ways, but there was something wrong. But I don't think that disqualifies him
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 0:34


You, Mark. Thank you so much for your reply. I know that he wasn't talking about the Bible verse, but there is that Bible verse that's in there that some people go back to. I think you're right. Enjoy yourself. Have some fun. Smoke a little pot, drink a little beer. Have some on. Feel no fear. I don't know, I just made that up, but, yeah, I like where you're going with that
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 3:21


You. It is about balance, isn't it? And depression, mental instability, chemical imbalances. I don't think that that can be taken into consideration with this, because I feel that that is something that needs to be addressed by a doctor. My body is not a temple. It's an amusement. Mark I stopped living in fear. My parents, my mom put a lot of pressure, a lot of fear into me
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:55


This time, because the quote was attributed to him, I felt like it was something that I wanted to address for him. So I didn't mean to come off as patronizing. I still disagree, but I definitely didn't mean to come off as patronizing, nor did I want to act like he didn't have illness or mental illness. I don't know. I don't know
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:35
I had someone actually on Sunday before I close on yesterday, say, people aren't buying houses anymore, the economy is bad. And I was like, okay, but just think if I would have been like, oh my God, let me pull out. Let me not do this anymore, or whatever. Enjoy life. It is a ride. Because we don't know. We have thoughts, but we don't know for sure what life is going to be like in the afterworld
Carly D
@Astroality · 3:22


How can we find a balance between fun, enjoyment, playfulness, and actual nourishment that we need, right? How can we give ourselves everything that we need and not worry about what everyone else thinks and what everyone else says, right? Because I realized after a long time, it was just their own reflections of their own fears of gaining weight or not being strong or not being fit or whatever. But they were projecting all that on me, and I was soaking it up like a dang sponge
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 1:34


And also what I know is how I talk to myself and view myself. And I try to connect through vulnerability. And I think that vulnerability just brings more people together. And I appreciate what you had to say. Thank you
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 4:13


I'm like, because you see me as fat. And that's how I also know that my mom is a toxic parent, because she can't admit when she's wrong. But that's also a generational thing. She's in her 70s now, and my dad's in his seventy s and won't stand up to my mom, at least in public. Yeah, I say now, I'll try anything once, as long as it's not going to kill me
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!



Trash on the ground, you pick it up, you clean it, whatever. The maintenance for the safety is different. But that's a part of the amusement park, you know what I mean? That is part of taking care of your body, making sure you sleep, making sure you eat and drink. Yeah. Anyway, I don't want to belabor the point, but I like this quote. I hadn't heard it. Thank you
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 1:29


Does that mean that you're trying to seek to be upright? An upright person, an upright citizen, and upright thoughts? To be exactly vertical, to be exactly true. When masons are building, I'm working with stone. They use the plumb to make sure that their work is exactly straight plum. But plum can also mean that your virtues are true as well. Just out of curiosity


I love that there are so many different interpretations of it by others, as well as how it's changed for me over my life. There were times when it meant nothing, it was just two words stuck together. And there were other times when it meant seeking sort of an even keel or some sort of equilibrium with a groundedness. Now I think of it more along the lines of seeking the plum depths of understanding of things, but originally it was two different usernames I had used at different times