Jodi Lin
@JodiLin65 · 0:10

2 pictures

article image placeholderUploaded by @JodiLin65
article image placeholderUploaded by @JodiLin65
I just noticed when I was posting my last swell that you can add more than one picture. So just for fun, I want to do that and see what it looks like


Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:33
Ah, what cute picture did they kitty cats you posted? As you know, I love kitty cats too. Anyway, my mother had looks like a siamese kitty that you posted there. My mother used to have a siamese cat at one time. Anyway, I'm starting to post pictures with my swallow stories too. Like that. I just figured out how to do that a couple stories back. How you post a picture with each story you do? It's kind of cute