J l Moore
@jmoja · 5:00


So I'm not just talking to hear myself talk. I really want you guys, you guys to embrace memories. Memories are so important and I didn't realize it. I'm going to get a little we're going to call it the vulnerability nugget. Okay? I'm going to give you a vulnerability nugget right now. So my grandmother had Alzheimer's and she also had colon cancer. So with that being said, she had five kids and she didn't know any of them


Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:42
And of course, when you relive that memory, it's like it's happening right then and there. And it's like all the feelings are right there, like it's a current thing. But you know what? I had to tell myself and remind myself. And that's just a memory. Yes. So realizing that a memory, even if it's painful, is just a memories, gave me the freedom to really begin to walk in healing
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:04
So I'm glad you touched on that because it is so important. It is so important. And I know someone who is well in age, in her seventy s and doesn't feel like she has a reason to live. And you know why? Because she never created any good memories. Even things that were good in her mind, there was something wrong with it. And so she's already on that path of just what is life because she has no good memories. So I love this topic
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J l Moore
@jmoja · 4:47
That's why I call it my vulnerability nugget as I go on in my podcast with a few more thoughts and memories. Because I wrote a book and her passing led me to write a book of good memories, a lot of good memories about my mother. She had an enlarged heart. And part of the reason why her heart was enlarged is because she was holding on to some abuse from growing up in the south. And then she went up north and she dealt with that word rejection