Gentleman Silver
@JerseyNation435 · 4:59

Morning grace

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I haven't watered my garden, I haven't weeded this section of plants that I was looking at. But the birds love it. They're eating, they're thriving, they don't care. And even when I look at the grass, it's not even out of hand. I don't know if I'm you may think I'm taking this too deep, but I'm not

#mentalhealth #BlackLove #Love

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:46

#inspire #conversation #uplift #mindset

One thing I want to contribute to you, to this well, if I may, is that I think that even just just doing good or putting good out there, I don't think that's enough. Sometimes I think that we see a lot of people who do good and sacrifice. They pour from an empty cup and then they begin resenting it, yet they habitually still do it and they end up with nothing and they don't know why