Jenny Ward
@Jenny_Ward · 3:57

Are You Tired of Being Grateful?

So coming back to the main theme or the question I posted in the subject, are you tired of being grateful? Are you tired of feeling like I should just take this job, take this small meager raise, take this lateral promotion where I'm basically doing more work for the same amount of pay because, wow, they see something in me. And I don't want to raise my hand and call attention to myself because I should just be grateful. Have you been intentional in your career?


Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:40


I want to do what I'm doing, do it well, broadcast it out there and see what people are going to say about my work and how it connects back to what they want to be doing. And I think the idea of showing your talents as much as you can, putting it out there in the world, people will notice, people will see that you're not just thinking about stuff, that you're actually doing stuff
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It was that I was tired of settling for things, settling for less or settling for things that I thought, like you mentioned people thought I would be good at. I think I was sort of, like, not I didn't have no direction because I didn't have a very strong sense of self. And over the years and through lots of experience and not all pleasant experience, but some good
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Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:56
That has gotten me nothing but heartache disappointment and hard times. And so I now articulate, and I've raised my son. Now, difference is, even though it's taken me this long to get there for myself, because it was something I didn't like and I recognized I didn't like, I've raised myself. My son very different. So my son, who is 13 years of age, he will tell you, give him something. He'll be like, Take that back
Jenny Ward
@Jenny_Ward · 1:31


We need to change this narrative around being seen and not heard, being quiet, being polite, being grateful, because those are not tools that teach young people how to succeed, not just careers, but in relationships with friends, with family, with partners, with loved ones. It never worked, and it certainly does not work now. So I appreciate you sharing your story and weighing in on that
Jenny Ward
@Jenny_Ward · 3:00
And again, it's not that women lack the confidence. It's that we are so often expected to walk this fine line between appearing confident but remaining humble. And how do you navigate that? So I've touched on a lot of things here that are on my mind. That your reply I brought up for me. And I'm grateful to you for weighing in on the conversation
Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 3:11

@Jenny_Ward I think we're all victims of relative gratitude on a professional and personal level. #askswell

This is such a deep question, Jenny, philosophical too, on some levels. To answer your question in one ward, yes. There have been many times when I've been tired of being grateful. And when I think about it, when I look back, I realize that this isn't a recent development. I think it's been a part of my childhood for as long as I can fathom
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Ariana .
@ariana. · 4:44

@DBPardes @jenny_ward

It was a state where I had to work so I can eat. Otherwise I wouldn't have food to eat. That's where I started my earning journey. And then it moved to a space where I realized that I like engaging with people. I like sharing knowledge and I like people helping people grow in different ways. That's where it started. So I started my journey as a corporate trainer, as an LLD learning and development professional. I've been doing that for 23 plus years now
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Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:36


Hey, Ariana, thank you for your insight into this conversation and expanding it in the way you just did. It's interesting. You mentioned sort of the honing in and also, you know, measuring it over years of work, and and I I know your swell cast and what you've been sharing with us. So it's been wonderful, by the way