
The 5 Bot Gang

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Hi everyone. So Rahul meuthra dug up some old photo albums. I am going to post some photos here. This first one is of the Bot Gang. I will let Rahul and the rest of the gang Sagato sauce and everybody else chime in. I am also adding a link to the actual album so you can click on that to see the full album as well. Enjoy

Link to full album https://fivebot.tripod.com/Junta.htm @rmehrotra

Rahul Mehrotra
@rmehrotra · 0:32
Thanks, Arish, for putting everything together for the Five Bot gang. We had a fantastic time at IITK and the best thing is that we are all still very well connected and provide the support to each other all the time. I guess that's where the Wing comradery comes in. I guess it's the same in all the banks. Match it up till now. I'm hoping so. Thanks