Dee Shields
@iamdeeshields · 4:55

CUD, why it’s important to get help and a diagnosis

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I am going to share symptoms and you're going to check off on your finger as a user and if you have three or more, you have cannabis use disorder. So I'm going to give you that list in just a short moment. Okay? So if you're moody, if you're cranky when you don't have it, if you're going you know, it's a lot that happens in the environment with the use of cannabis

Talking Cannabis Use Disorder after being near persons diagnosed and those experiencing symptoms. Let’s talk CUD, why it’s important to get help!

Dee Shields
@iamdeeshields · 2:57

Read more here https://s.swell.life/STNNJbQzKVGaYB8

Thank you for continuing. We're going to go ahead and share that list and I shared a link for you. Okay. This should be about the same across the board when researching cannabis use disorder and how to get the help for either yourself or your loved one. What are the symptoms? You may be dependent on cannabis if two or more
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